My passion is to enlighten every person to
This Divine Mystery
(Eph 3:9 tpt)
Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col 1:27 NKJV)
My Story
Although I had believed in Jesus for my whole life long, I was not an avid follower of Him. I did not read my Bible. I tried, but I got caught in the "begats" and I really thought it was way over my head! On February 11, 1975, I had a profound encounter with my Lord and Savior, Jesus. The Scriptures came alive for me and I have been voraciously reading the Word ever since!
I home educated my 4 children and we began each school day reading the Word and discussing things like Calvinism and Armenianism! I found it very interesting and I continued my study and having conversations with my children after they left our nest.
This Divine Mystery: Faith for Answered Prayer has grown out of 5 decades of Bible study, prayer, and living life with Jesus!
Jesus loves you very much!
We are under construction! Come and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior with us!
Laura Taylor Cox